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Book of Zecharia Names

  • Zechariah: The author of the book and a prophet who received visions and messages from God. His name means “The Lord remembers”.
  • Zerubbabel: The governor of Judah and a descendant of King David. He led the first group of exiles who returned from Babylon and rebuilt the temple.
  • Joshua: The high priest of Judah and a representative of the priesthood. He was accused by Satan but defended by God.
  • Haggai: Another prophet who was contemporary with Zechariah and encouraged the people to rebuild the temple.
  • Darius: The king of Persia who allowed the Jews to return to their land and supported the temple project.
  • Cyrus: The previous king of Persia who issued the decree to free the Jews from captivity and restore their temple.
  • Gabriel: The angel who explained the meaning of Zechariah’s visions and announced the coming of the Messiah.
  • Michael: The archangel who fought against the spiritual forces of evil and protected the people of Israel.
  • Satan: The adversary of God and His people. He accused Joshua the high priest before God but was rebuked by God.
  • The four horsemen: The symbolic representations of the four winds of heaven that patrol the earth and report to God.
  • The four horns: The symbolic representations of the four kingdoms that scattered Israel: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.
  • The four craftsmen: The symbolic representations of the four agents of God that destroy the four horns and restore Israel.
  • The man with the measuring line: The symbolic representation of God’s plan to rebuild Jerusalem and make it a prosperous and secure city.
  • The angel of the Lord: The manifestation of God’s presence and power among His people. He interceded for Joshua and Zechariah and promised to dwell in Jerusalem.
  • The two olive trees: The symbolic representations of the two anointed ones who serve the Lord: Zerubbabel and Joshua.
  • The two witnesses: The symbolic representations of the two prophets who will testify for God in the end times and perform miracles.
  • The flying scroll: The symbolic representation of God’s curse on the thieves and liars who disobey His law.
  • The woman in the basket: The symbolic representation of the wickedness that will be removed from the land and sent to Babylon.
  • The four chariots: The symbolic representations of the four spirits of heaven that execute God’s judgments on the earth.
  • The Branch: The symbolic name of the Messiah who will sprout from the line of David and build the temple of the Lord.
  • The stone with seven eyes: The symbolic representation of God’s watchful care and grace over His people and His work.
  • The crown: The symbolic representation of the royal and priestly authority of the Messiah who will rule and minister to His people.
  • The four fasts: The symbolic representations of the four historical events that caused sorrow to the Jews: the siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, the assassination of Gedaliah, and the breach of the city wall.
  • The four promises: The symbolic representations of the four blessings that God will give to the Jews: joy, prosperity, peace, and glory.
  • The king of Babylon: The symbolic representation of the enemy of God and His people who will attack Jerusalem in the end times.
  • The king of Tyre: The symbolic representation of the pride and arrogance of the human rulers who oppose God and His people.
  • The king of Egypt: The symbolic representation of the oppression and slavery of the world system that enslaves God and His people.
  • The king of Greece: The symbolic representation of the violence and warfare of the human kingdoms that persecute God and His people.
  • The shepherd: The symbolic representation of the false and evil leader who will betray and abandon God and His people.
  • The flock: The symbolic representation of the faithful and humble remnant who will follow God and His Messiah.
  • The two staffs: The symbolic representations of the two covenants that God made with His people: Favor and Union.
  • The four shepherds: The symbolic representations of the four types of leaders who will fail to care for God’s people: the foolish, the worthless, the idle, and the cruel.
  • The day of the Lord: The symbolic representation of the final judgment and salvation that God will bring to the earth and His people.
  • The Mount of Olives: The symbolic representation of the place where the Lord will stand and fight for His people and split the mountain in two.
  • The living waters: The symbolic representation of the spiritual and physical blessings that will flow from Jerusalem and heal the land and the nations.
  • The Lord of hosts: The symbolic name of God that emphasizes His sovereignty and power over all creation and history.


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