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The Cube Part 2

The cube is a geometric shape that has six equal square faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices. It is also known as a hexahedron, which means “six faces” in Greek. The cube is one of the five platonic solids, which are the only regular polyhedra that can be constructed with congruent faces, edges, and angles. The other four platonic solids are the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron.

The cube is often associated with the element of earth, because it represents stability, solidity, and materiality. It is also related to the number four, which symbolizes the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four elements, and the four gospels. The cube can also be seen as a three-dimensional representation of the cross, which is the symbol of Christianity and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

In the Bible, the cube appears in several passages, mostly in relation to the temple of God and the holy city of Jerusalem. For example, in 2 Chronicles 3:8, it says that Solomon built the most holy place, which was a cube of twenty cubits in length, width, and height, and overlaid it with fine gold1. This was the innermost sanctuary of the temple, where the ark of the covenant was placed, and where God’s presence dwelled among his people.

In Revelation 21:16, it says that the angel measured the city of New Jerusalem, which was a cube of twelve thousand furlongs in length, width, and height2. This is the heavenly city that will descend from God at the end of times, and where the saints will live in eternal glory. The city is also described as having a wall of jasper, foundations of precious stones, gates of pearl, and streets of pure gold. The city has no need of a temple, because God and the Lamb are its temple, and no need of the sun or the moon, because God’s glory is its light.

These passages suggest that the cube is a symbol of God’s perfection, holiness, and sovereignty. It also represents the harmony, order, and beauty of God’s creation and his plan for salvation. The cube shows that God is the same in every direction, and that he is the source and the end of all things. The cube also signifies the unity and the diversity of God’s people, who are made in his image and who share in his glory.


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