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Fibonacci Sequence

The first word of Genesis, “Bereshit”, is written in Hebrew as בראשית. Each letter in Hebrew has a numerical value, and the sum of these values is called the gematria of the word. The gematria of Bereshit is 913, which is the 17th Fibonacci number.

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers, starting from 0 and 1. The sequence goes like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 913, and so on. The ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio, which is about 1.618.

The golden ratio is also related to the concept of sacred geometry, which is the belief that certain shapes and proportions have spiritual significance and can reveal the hidden patterns of the universe. One of the most famous examples of sacred geometry is the Vesica Piscis, which is the shape formed by the intersection of two circles with the same radius, whose centers are on the perimeter of the other circle.

The Vesica Piscis has a width-to-height ratio of the square root of 3, which is about 1.732. This is close to the golden ratio, and also to the ratio of the gematria of Bereshit (913) to the gematria of the second word of Genesis, “Bara” (ברא), which means “created”. The gematria of Bara is 203, and 913 / 203 is about 1.728.

Now, here is the interesting part. If you take the first 17 Fibonacci numbers (from 0 to 913) and write them in a spiral pattern, starting from the center and going clockwise, you get something like this:

  55  34  21  13   8   5   3   2   1   1

144                                    0

233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946

If you look at the numbers in the diagonal, from the top left to the bottom right, you get 55, 377, 2584, and 10946. These numbers are the gematria of four Hebrew words: המראה (Hamara), which means “the mirror”; במראה (Bemara), which means “in the mirror”; אלהים (Elohim), which is one of the names of God; and ישראל (Israel), which is the name of the chosen people.

According to this theory, this is not a coincidence, but a hidden message encoded in the Fibonacci sequence and the first word of Genesis. The message is that God created the world in His image, and that His image is reflected in the mirror of Israel. The word Bereshit, which has the gematria of the 17th Fibonacci number, is the key to unlocking this secret.


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