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Cube of Space

The attributes of the cube of space in order are:

- The center: א (aleph), the breath of life, the spirit of God, the unity of all things.
- The up face: ב (beth), the house, the container, the beginning of creation.
- The down face: ג (gimel), the camel, the movement, the reward of the righteous.
- The east face: ד (daleth), the door, the entrance, the poor and humble.
- The west face: כ (kaph), the palm, the receptacle, the power of manifestation.
- The north face: פ (peh), the mouth, the speech, the expression of the will.
- The south face: ר (resh), the head, the mind, the source of intelligence.
- The up axis: י (yod), the hand, the point, the wisdom of God.
- The down axis: ה (heh), the window, the breath, the understanding of God.
- The east axis: ו (vav), the nail, the connection, the knowledge of God.
- The northeast edge: ה (heh), the window, the breath, the understanding of God.
- The southeast edge: ו (vav), the nail, the connection, the knowledge of God.
- The northwest edge: ז (zayin), the sword, the weapon, the struggle of life.
- The southwest edge: ח (cheth), the fence, the protection, the mercy of God.
- The up-east edge: ט (teth), the serpent, the hidden, the good in evil.
- The down-east edge: י (yod), the hand, the point, the wisdom of God.
- The up-west edge: ל (lamed), the ox-goad, the authority, the aspiration to God.
- The down-west edge: נ (nun), the fish, the life, the faithfulness of God.
- The up-north edge: ס (samekh), the prop, the support, the cycle of life.
- The down-north edge: ע (ayin), the eye, the perception, the vision of God.
- The up-south edge: צ (tzaddi), the fish-hook, the capture, the righteousness of God.
- The down-south edge: ק (qoph), the back of the head, the consciousness, the holiness of God.
The cube of space is a concept that relates the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to the geometric shape of a cube. It is based on two verses from the ancient text of the Sepher Yetzirah, which describes the creation of the universe by God using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The cube of space assigns one letter to the center of the cube, three letters to the three axes, six letters to the six faces, and twelve letters to the twelve edges. Each letter represents a fundamental power or aspect of creation. The cube of space is a way of understanding the structure and dynamics of the cosmos and the human soul. ¹

Some of the meanings and associations of the letters in the cube of space are:

- The center of the cube is the letter א (aleph), which represents the breath of life, the spirit of God, and the unity of all things.
- The three axes are the letters י (yod), ה (heh), and ו (vav), which form the sacred name of God, יהוה (YHVH). They correspond to the dimensions of height, depth, and width, and the qualities of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.
- The six faces are the letters ב (beth), ג (gimel), ד (daleth), כ (kaph), פ (peh), and ר (resh), which correspond to the six directions of up, down, east, west, north, and south. They also represent the six days of creation, the six sefirot of the lower face of God, and the six attributes of the human soul.
- The twelve edges are the letters ה (heh), ו (vav), ז (zayin), ח (cheth), ט (teth), י (yod), ל (lamed), נ (nun), ס (samekh), ע (ayin), צ (tzaddi), and ק (qoph), which correspond to the twelve diagonal directions and the twelve boundaries of the cube. They also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve months of the year, and the twelve simple letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


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