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 In the Gnostic scriptures, Sabaoth holds a distinct and multifaceted role, rich in symbolic and allegorical meanings. Sabaoth is portrayed as a being of significant power and stature, entwined deeply in the cosmic struggles and spiritual hierarchies that characterize Gnostic thought.

Elevation by Pistis Sophia: Sabaoth was elevated to the seventh heaven by Pistis Sophia after a great war in the heavens. She dispatched seven archangels to him and established a kingdom for him over the twelve gods of chaos. This act of elevation is symbolic of a spiritual ascension or redemption, following a period of strife or conflict​​.

Association with Adonaios: In the Gnostic texts, Sabaoth is also identified as Adonaios, hinting at a complex identity or role within the Gnostic cosmology. This identification may reflect a merging or synthesis of different spiritual entities or forces​​.

God of the Forces: Sabaoth is referred to as the 'God of the forces', positioned above the forces of chaos. This title indicates a role of authority and control over chaotic or destructive elements, possibly symbolizing a form of cosmic order or stability​​.

Feminine Name and Aspect: In a profound display of Gnostic dualism and the interplay of gendered forces, Sabaoth is ascribed a feminine name, Deity, alongside his masculine identity. This duality hints at a deeper, esoteric understanding of the nature of divine beings in Gnostic thought, transcending simplistic gender binaries​​.

Conflict with the Prime Parent: Sabaoth’s ascent and glory led to envy and wrath from the prime parent of chaos, further entrenching him in the cosmic drama of Gnostic narratives. This conflict reflects the Gnostic theme of spiritual rebellion and opposition to an imperfect or malevolent creator​​.

Reaction to Pistis' Revelation: Sabaoth’s reaction to the voice of Pistis—praising her and condemning his father—demonstrates his alignment with the forces of spiritual enlightenment and opposition to the darkness and abyss of ignorance. This act signifies a moral or spiritual choice, aligning with knowledge and light against ignorance and darkness​​.

Role in Human Creation: Sabaoth, along with Sophia Zoe, played a role in the creation of man, anticipating the decision of other authorities. This anticipation and the act of creation suggest a proactive and independent role in shaping human destiny and spiritual evolution​​.

In summary, Sabaoth in Gnostic scriptures is a complex figure, embodying themes of ascension, authority over chaos, dualistic nature, conflict with malevolent forces, alignment with enlightenment, and participation in the creation of humanity. These facets contribute to the rich tapestry of Gnostic cosmology and theology.


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