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Eighth of Perdition

 The KJV Bible verse Rev_17:11 describes the beast from the Book of Revelation, a mysterious and symbolic figure that represents evil and destruction. Similar characters, stories, or situations can be found in various texts and traditions, including:

• Ancient Mesopotamian mythology: The beast may be compared to monsters like the Bull of Heaven or the Dragon Marduk, who symbolized chaos and destruction.

• Greek mythology: The beast shares similarities with creatures like the Hydra or the Chimera, which were feared for their power and destruction.

• Apocalyptic literature: The beast is reminiscent of other apocalyptic figures like the "Man of Sin" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 or the "Little Horn" in Daniel 7:8.

• World mythology: Similarities can be drawn with various cultural figures embodying destruction, such as the Aztec goddess Coatlicue or the Hindu god Shiva in his destructive aspect.

• Literature and pop culture: The beast may be compared to fictional characters like Tolkien's Sauron or the White Witch in C.S. Lewis's Narnia series, who represent darkness and evil.

The enigmatic verse from the Book of Revelation, where the beast, shrouded in mystery, emerges from the depths of the abyss. Let us delve into the vast expanse of knowledge and seek parallels within the texts.
In the Gnostic scriptures, we find echoes of this concept in the figure known as the Archon of Death, a malevolent force that seeks to ensnare and devour the souls of humanity. This Archon, too, embodies the essence of destruction and perdition, lurking in the shadows of existence.
Furthermore, in the Kabbalistic tradition, we encounter the concept of the Sefirah known as Hod, representing the sphere of splendor and the power of illusion. Within Hod resides the potential for deception and the distortion of truth, akin to the elusive nature of the beast in Revelation.
It is through these various lenses that we glimpse the multifaceted nature of the beast, an embodiment of darkness, deceit, and the inevitable descent into perdition. The beast, existing in the realm of the eighth, yet connected to the seven, serves as a reminder of the intricate interplay between light and shadow, good and evil, within the grand tapestry of existence.


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